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Events & Projects

+421 Foundation is proud to be an organizer of all of these amazing events:

September 14, 2019 | Vienna, Austria, MuseumsQuartier

Nezavisla americko-slovenská nadácia +421 Foundation v spolupráci s Ateliérom 71 uviedla na MQ Vienna Fashion Week nový projekt s názvom Sklenený Gombík / Glass Button Award. Projekt vznikol na podnet Moniky Lacekovej, zakladateľky značky MoLa Couture a remeselníckeho domu Ateliér 71, v rámci podpory mladých módnych návrhárov, ktorej sa +421 Foundation venuje už vyše 15 rokov.


April 16, 2019 | Cairo, Zamalek, European Union Residence


+421 Foundation Team presented young artists at an amazing event EUROPE DAY 2019 in Cairo! Central Europe was represented by Slovakian singers known by the name UKITAS. They sang in different languages from EU countries! Part of the event was also the performance of Romanian musicians AMADEUS and Egyptian instrumentalists from TRIO!

Nadácia +421 predstavila mladých umelcov na veľkolepom podujatí pod názvom "EUROPE DAY 2019", ktorý sa uskutočnil 16. apríla v Káhire na ostrove Zamalek. Slovensko a Strednú Európu reprezentovali mladé speváčky Nikola a Terézia zo skupiny UKITAS. Publiku zahrali na rôznych hudobných nástrojoch a zaspievali v niekoľkých jazykoch krajín Európskej únie. Na programe účinkovali aj rumunsko španielska kapela AMADEUS aj skvelí egyptskí inštrumentalisti zo skupiny TRIO! Slovenky účinkovali v modeloch slovenských dizajnérok Martiny Vrábeľobej a Blaženy Ostrovskej.


September 09, 2017 | New York, Crowne Plaza Times Square


Slovak Fashion Night (SFN) is an original project that became the most important presentation of Slovak culture and art on the American continent. The 12th Annual Slovak Fashion Night was held during Couture Fashion Week at the Crowne Plaza Times Square, Manhattan, during the Fall NewYorkFashionWeek. The project was initiated by the +421 Foundation in cooperation with the Consulate General of Slovakia in New York and the NY Couture Fashion Week. Its aim was to present Slovakia in the center of world trade, finance and the fashion industry in an attractive and modern way.

The event is a chance for young artists and designers who are courageous, reject artistic stereotypes, and use their creative ideas to enrich individual genres of culture and art – not just in Slovakia, but also in settings where they can command attention in a great international forum at the center of the world, like New York City.


Apríl 05, 2017 | Bratislava, Nábrežie Dunaja EUROVEA, EFF


International Fashion Night 2017  je  nový, originálny projekt, ktorý sa stáva súčasťou  jarných módnych prehliadok v Bratislave na nábreží Dunaja.

Vznikol na podnet  viacerých veľvyslankýň z rôznych krajín sveta  pôsobiacich na Slovensku. Jeho hlavnými  iniciátormi  sú  ambasádorky  Slovinska, Portugalska a Írska. Výzvu zapojiť sa do projektu prijali aj  ich kolegyne  z Maďarka, Rumunska, či Brazílie.  

Projekt je šancou  pre mladých  tvorcov, dizajnérov ale aj umelcov, ktorí  sú odvážní , odmietajú umelecké stereotypy, a ktorí  kreatívnymi nápadmi obohacujú  jednotlivé žánre kultúry a umenia nielen vo svojich krajinách, ale chcú sa  s nimi podeliť  aj na veľkom medzinárodnom fóre v Bratislave.


Sep 09, 2016 | New York City, Crowne Plaza Times Square, NYC


The 11th Annual Slovak Fashion Night in New York presented the new trends in Slovakian fashion during the New York Fashion Week - Spring / Summer 2017. The signature event of the +421 Foundation, in partnership with the Consulate General of Slovakia in New York, commenced on September 9th, 2016 at the Crowne Plaza Times Square, followed by an after-party at the new venue, The Stage 48 in Manhattan.


The key constituent of the program was the emerging designer, Sofia Turekova, the winner of the Bratislava Fashion Days. Her exceptional talent catapulted her straight onto the New York Fashion Week to present the avant-garde collection, named "The Optimist". The designer captured the audience with the extravagant fabrics made exclusively for this unique opportunity. “Playful, emancipated, spontaneous, and rational, but most importantly optimistic. That is my muse. I am thrilled and honored to show my work in New York and thus represent the youngest generation of the Slovakian fashion designers", Sofia Turekova proudly declares.


Sep 18, 2015 | New York City, Club SPACE I. NYC


The TENTH Annual Slovak Fashion Night celebrated its exciting jubilee during the New York Fashion Week - Spring / Summer 2016. The signature event of the +421 Foundation, in partnership with the Consulate General of Slovakia in New York and Slovak Tourist Board was held at the new Club SPACE IBIZA NYC, in Manhattan on September 18th, 2015.


The aim of this event was to expose influential American audiences to the cultural, intellectual and social richness of Slovakia and the Central European Region. The continued goal, through awareness, is embraced by creating opportunities for collaboration amongst artists, designers, and performers; ultimately prompting to explore and encourage innovative partnerships between leaders from various public and private sectors of Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, and the United States.


Oct 25-10, 2014 | New York City


On Saturday, October 25th, 2014, sold out Bohemian National Hall in New York City was watching the Grand Finale Evening of Miss Czech Slovak America 2015 Beauty Pageant,   organized by the Slovak-American +421 Foundation. 15 finalists competed for the favor of the international jury, which consisted of diplomats, former Miss Laureates, sponsors and VIP guests. Despite the fact that most of the finalists came from the US, some girls came from Canada, Czech Republic and Slovakia. The event was held under the auspices of Embassies and Consulates General of both Czech and Slovak Republic in the U.S.A and jury was chaired by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative of Slovakia to the United Nations Frantisek Ruzicka. The main guest of honor, Lydia Svobodová of Slovakia who became Miss Deaf World this year was also participating on the Grand Jury.


Nov 18, 2013 | Assembly Hall of the AUB, Beirut, Lebanon


The Embassy of Slovakia to Lebanon, the Embassy of the Czech Republic to Lebanon, the American University of Beirut and plus421 Foundation presented a special event  Jazz & Art and Fashion Show that took place at the Assembly Hall of the AUB on November 18, 2013. It was a presentational event organized jointly by the +421 Foundation.


May 09, 2013 | Venue DL Lounge, Lower East Side, Manhattan, NYC


The Eighth Annual Slovak Fashion Night (SFN 2013) was the signature event of the +421 Foundation, in partnership with the Consulate General of Slovakia in New York, Austrian Cultural Forum, and the Czech Center New York. The event venue was held in a glamorous club DL Lounge, Lower East Side in Manhattan on May 9, 2013


Nov 17, 2012 | Hudson Terrace


I. Velvet Revolution Party 2012 in New York, November 16th, Hudson TerraceCzech and Slovak authorities together with the Plus421 Foundation and the Czech Center in New York celebrated once again, for the 7th time in New York, the 23rd anniversary of the Velvet Revolution in former Czechoslovakia on November 16th, 2012 in the popular Hudson Terrace NY night club.


The host and MC of the evening, Eva Jurinova, dressed in a gown by the young Slovakian designer Ivana Mackova for Marmare Collection, introduced the new Consuls of Slovakia and Czech Republic.Hon. Jana Trnovcova, Consul General of Slovakia greeted the crowd together with her new Czech colleague, Hon. Martin Dvorak.


Nov 18, 2011 | LAVO, NYC


The Plus421 Foundation, the Consulate General of Slovakia in New York, the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in New York and the Czech Center New York organized the sixth annual Velvet Revolution Party on November 18, 2011 at New York’s most sought after venue – LAVO ( The event was to commemorate the 22nd anniversary of the triumph of democracy in 1989 in former Czechoslovakia, and present the Czech and Slovak culture to the New York community.


The cultural program included performance of Slovakian SUPER STAR finalist Robert Mikla, who presented his own music production e.g. “Tanec bábok”. The event culminated with a vivacious dance party by DJ Eitan Noyze, a Newyorker with a Slovak heritage, who entertained the jumping crowd till the wee hours.


May 13, 2011 | Capitale, 130 Bowery St, NYC, NY


The Sixth Annual Slovak Fashion Night is the signature event of the +421 Foundation, in partnership with the Consulate General of Slovakia in New York and the Austrian Cultural Forum in New York. The event was held in Capitale, New York on May 13, 2011. This year’s Slovak Fashion Night motto, “Fashion Fights Malnutrition“, introduced the Slovakian designers:  Zlatica Hujbertová, Paulína Polonyová and Ingrid  Budovská in tandem with the Austrian designer Adriane Magdalena Toth and Mialy Seheno from Madagascar.


The evening was hosted by the American actor Brad Pennington and the Slovakian celebrity host Tamara Heribanova. Slovakia’s very own Double Cross Vodka provided delicious cocktails to all in attendance while DJ Eitan Noyze spined the after party. 


All proceeds from the evening were donated to Maventy Foundation and their initiative to build sustainable health care model in rural Madagascar, to save human lives, improve health and quality of life through the most modern ways of prevention and early intervention.


The aim of this event was to expose influential American audiences to the cultural, intellectual and social richness of the Central European Region. The continued goal, through awareness, is embraced by creating opportunities for collaboration amongst artists, designers, and performers; ultimately prompting to explore and encourage innovative partnerships between leaders from various public and private sectors of Slovakia, Austria, and the United States.


May 14, 2010 | New York City, Manhattan, Club Espace


The Fifth Annual Slovak Fashion Night is the signature event of the +421 Foundation, in partnership with the Consulate General of Slovakia in New York, under the patronage of the Slovakia’s Foreign Minister H.E. Mr. Miroslav Lajčák. The event was held in New York City on May 14, 2010 in the prestigious Manhattan club Espace.


This year’s Slovak Fashion Night with the motto “Go Green“ introduced Slovakian designers Róbert Bartolen, Lucia Senášiová, Lenka Sršňová, and an artistic duo Kristína Schreiberová and Eva Groh, who showcased their creative, eco-chic vision of “Nerocco“. The evening was choreographed by Sandra Frank and hosted by a young actress Katarína Morháčová and the Slovakian celebrity moderator Matej Cifra.


May 14, 2009 | Bohemian National Hall, NYC



The Fourth Annual Slovak Fashion Night is a signature event of the Plus421 Foundation, in partnership with the Consulate General of Slovakia in New York, under the patronage of the Slovakia's State Secretary H.E. Mrs. Olga Algayerova.   The event was held in the new Grand Ballroom of the Bohemian National Hall in Manhattan.


This year's Slovak Fashion Night introduced Slovakian designers Nikolo Bertok, Andrea Paldan, Norika Somedikova, Lucia Hejcikova, Izabela Komjati, and the American designer Clark Sabbat, all styled by Ivana Marmare. The evening also featured a musical performance by Slovakia's great virtuosos Ondrej Saling and Daniel Buranovsky, photography by Lubo Spirko, and art works by Daniel Denes. It was hosted by the Slovakian celebrity Barbora Rakovska.  The aim of the event was to expose influential American audiences to the cultural, intellectual, and social richness of Slovakia, and provide opportunities for collaboration amongst artists, designers, performers, and other cultural players from Slovakia and the United States.


The proceeds from the evening were donated to the YAI National Institute for People with Disabilities to support their programs like music therapy and Center for Autism in New York (


Nov 05, 2008 | Le Rendezvous, NY


Since the Slovak history is interesting in that many important and pivotal events took place during years that end in the number eight, they have come to be known as the “eight years”. These crucial years include: 1848, 1918, 1938, 1948 and 1968. The year 1989 also belongs into this category because the historical turning point that was the November Velvet Revolution of 1989 actually began in 1988. There are important internal connections between the “8” years and their events. The Slovaks’ national emancipation process began with the uprising in the revolutionary year 1848 and culminated in 1918 with the founding of Czechoslovakia. This common state of Czechs and Slovaks was then exposed in 1938 to a challenging historical test. The historical ties between 1948, 1968 and 1989 are also strong. They mark the founding, crisis and fall of the communist system in the former Czechoslovakia.


In terms of their meaning for history, the “eight”-year anniversaries that fall in 2008 are a natural reflection of both Slovak history in a broader context and of that history’s connections to the present. This was also the goal of the exhibition, The Magical Number Eight in the History of Slovakia, whose producers sought to improve mutual knowledge and understanding among nations.


Nov 16, 2007 | Pink Elephant, NYC


The Plus421 Foundation together with the Consulate General of Slovakia in NewYork, the Czech Consulate General in New York, and the CzechCenterNew York ( organized The Velvet Revolution Party to commemorate the anniversary of the fall of communism and the triumph of democracy in former Czechoslovakia.



The cultural program introduced the Slovak singer Brigita Tarinova, the Czech singer Marta Topferova, the Czech dancer Dusan Tynek, and a silent auction featuring theworks of Czech and Slovak visual artists, followed by a dance party.

The Velvet Revolution Party 2007 was to benefit the Zlin Orphanage in Lazy, Czech Republic and the Reocentrum, the clinic for children with cerebral palsy in Bratislava, Slovakia.


May 19, 2007 | Retox Rock Bar, NYC


The +421 Foundation Slovakia with a patronage of the Consulate General of Slovakia in New York presented the Second Annual Slovak Fashion Night in New York. Professional New York models presented works of emerging Slovak fashion designers (Vladimira Bebcakova, Lukas Kimlicka, Milota Krajincakova, Stina Krivakova, and Dana Kleinert) styled by a New York based stylist Linda Drabova (, and choreographed by Sandra Frank.


The program featured Pavel Zustiak and his dance company, Palissimo (, with the performance of two excerpts from “La Petite Mort”. The Slovak folk ensemble Limbora closed the show with their Funky Gypsy dance.


The aim of the evening was to raise funds for Reocentrum, the clinic for children with cerebral palsy in Bratislava, Slovakia,and to support our future presentations.


Nov 30, 2006 | Milk Studios/Gallery, NYC


The +421 Foundation Slovakia teamed up with the CzechCenterNew York to support the Sunflower Children Foundation and produced this unique charity fashion show.


Sep 08, 2006 | Lighthouse Theatre, NYC


The +421 Foundation Slovakia and the Consulate General of Slovakia in New York presented the Slovakian dance theater of Marek Tapak to support the Lighthouse International – a leading worldwide resource that helps people overcome vision impairment through rehabilitation, education, research and advocacy (


Sep 3-11, 2014 | New York City


Slovak Fashion Night 2014 in New York is an annual event organized bythe +421 Foundation in cooperation with the Consulate General of the SlovakRepublic in New York. The aim of the event is to present Slovak culture andfashion design to international audiences in the New York City.


This years' Slovak Fashion Night will feature its upcoming designers during the New York September 2014 Fashion Week 9 September 3rd - 11th 2014). The shows will commence thanks to the cooperation of the Plus421 Foundation, BMD (Bratislava Fashion Days), and the Planete Chic, under the creative directon of Mr. Herve Racaud.This will be a unique oportunity for our young designers to shine right in the fashion capital, in front of the international media and fashionistas of the world.SFN 2014 will present Slovakian designers Jana Pistejova and Blazena Ostrovska, as well as an Austrian designer, Christina Steiner and her fashion label GON (


Nov 09, 2013 | New York, Hudson Terrace


The +421 Foundation, Consulate General of Slovakia in New York, and the Czech Center NY hosted its annual fall festivities to celebrate the triumph of democracy in the former Czechoslovakia in 1989. 
The Velvet Revolution Party commenced at the popular night club spot, Hudson Terrace, introducing talented Slovakian musicians lead by Vlado Kormos, the composer of the unique rock opera, Sabina.
Our own DJ Eitan Noyze spined the dance floor while Double Cross Vodka  fills the glasses.


Nov 20, 2012 | Assembly Hall, American University of Beirut


II. Velvet Revolution Party 2012 in Beirut, November 20th, Assembly Hall, American University of BeirutSlovakian Embassy in Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria, Czech Embassy in Lebanon and the Plus421 Foundation commemorated the Velvet Revolution and triumph of democracy commencing 23 years ago.Slovakian Ambassador, Ivan Surkos, greeted the audience in fluent Arabic and expressed his joy to be able to celebrate this event jointly with his Czech colleagues.


The program consisted of a concert by Danaj duncimer group from Moravia region in Czech Republic and a dance performance by the Slovakian modern-folklore ensemble, Magical Spurs, entertaining the crowd with their traditionally non-traditional acrobatic choreography and their beautiful dancers. Danaj group opened the evening with Lebanese National Anthem sang and performed in an authentic Lebanese style.Moderator and hostesses were dressed by upcoming Slovakian designers, Slavomira Vlasova (awarded by the Plus421 Foundation during Bratislava Fashion Week) and Ivana Mackova for Marmare Collection.



May 11, 2012 | Club Capitale


The Seventh Annual Slovak Fashion Night (SFN 2012) was the signature event of the +421 Foundation, in collaboration with the Consulate General of Slovakia in New York and the Austrian Cultural Forum in New York. The event was held at Capitale, New York on May 11, 2012.


Oct 07, 2011 | Solidere Beirut Souks, Beirut, Lebanon


Slovakian glass artists and fashion designers had a unique opportunity to present their work at the exquisite, newly renovated historical center of Beirut, the luxurious venue of Solidere - Jewellery Souk. This prestigious multifunctional, shopping facility of Beirut Souks hosted the "Slovak Glass&Fashion Fantasy", a presentational event of the +421 Foundation, in partnership with the Embassy of Slovakia to Syria, Jordan and Lebanon on October 7, 2011.


Nov 19, 2010 | Green House, New York


The Plus421 Foundation, Consulate General of Slovakia in New York, the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in New York and the Czech Center New York organized the fifth annual Velvet Revolution Party in New York on November 19, 2010 at the environmentally friendly venue - Green House New York. The event was to commemorate the 21th anniversary of the triumph of democracy in 1989 in former Czechoslovakia, and present the Czech and Slovak culture to the New York community.


The cultural program included "My Cold War" ( Moja studena vojna) book signing by Rene Benda, who presented a dramatic story of a young man portraying a part of author's pre-revolution life experience in former Czechoslovakia. The audience responded by jiggling their keys, just like the Velvet Revolution participants did back in 1989. The event culminated with a vivacious dance party by DJ Eitan Noyze, a Newyorker with a Slovak heritage, who entertained the jumping crowd till the wee hours.


Nov 19, 2009 | KISS AND FLY CLUB, 409 West 13th Street (btw 9th Ave. & Washington St.)


The Velvet Revolution Party 2009 is the signature event organized jointly by the Czech and Slovak authorities in New York. The Consulate General of Slovakia in New York, the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in New York, Commercial Section of the Embassy of Slovakia, Czech Tourism, BBLA Foundation, and the Plus421 Foundation presented  the annual Velvet Revolution Party in New York on November 19, 2009.


The event commemorated the 20th anniversary of the triumph of democracy in 1989 in former Czechoslovakia, and presented the Czech and Slovak culture to the New York community.The Velvet Revolution Party benefited Nove Mesto nad Vahom Orphanage in Slovakia, Appeal of Conscience Foundation, Plus421 Foundation and student exchange programs administered through Bohemian Benevolent and Literary Association.


The cultural program included live performance of Robo Grigorov, one of the most respected and sought-after musicians in Slovakia, a rebel against the regime in former Czechoslovakia followed by a dance party.



Nov 15, 2008 | Chelsea’s Mansion Club, NYC



The Velvet Revolution Party is yet another annual event of the Plus421 Foundation. It is organized jointly by the Czech and Slovak authorities in New York (The +421 Foundation, in partnership with the Consulate General of Slovakia in New York, the Czech Consulate General in New York, and the Czech Center New York), and it is the most significant Czech and Slovak co-production in New York since the division of the former Czechoslovakia. The event commemorates the triumph of democracy in 1989 in former Czechoslovakia, and introduces talented Czech and Slovak artists to the New York artistic community.


The cultural program included live acrobatic performance by the first Slovak Cirque du Soleil artist and aerial dancer Alexandra Apjarova, music show by an award winning Czech DJ Michael Burian, and a silent auction featuring thework of Czech and Slovak visual artists such as Fero Guldan, Martin Kral, and Ivan Kovacik, followed by a dance party.

The Velvet Revolution Party was to benefit The National Czech and Slovak Museum & Library in Cedar Rapids, Iowa that was affected by a devastating blow of flooding and suffered a significant damage in June 2008.



May 16, 2008 | Pier 66, NYC


The Third Annual Slovak Fashion Night commenced under the patronage of Mrs. Silvia Gasparovicova, the first lady of Slovakia. The event was held aboard the Frying Pan Boat, on Pier 66 on the Hudson River. The event introduced the contemporary trends in Slovak fashion through the educational project of Marek Kopanica and Annemarie Higgins “IN & AUT” - presenting fashion and photography collections INspired by the world of AUTism.


The cultural program included the Boris Hanecka fashion show produced by Sandra Frank and a fashion photography exhibit by Matus Toth.

All proceeds from the evening were designated to support the YAI National Institute for People with Disabilities - Center for Autism in New York ( and the educational programs of the +421 Foundation.


Oct 10, 2007 | Foundation´s Office, NY


This delightful evening provided our foundation with the gifts and necessary funds to proceed with our mission in the USA


Feb 09, 2007 | Bohemian Hall & Beer Garden, Astoria, NY


Theatrical performance of the play “Marriage and Other Sins”, featuring Zuzana Martinkova and Ivan Razl, hosted by a young Slovak actress Lucia Siposova.

THE "17th on 17th" PARTY

Nov 17, 2006 | School Lounge, NYC


The +421 Foundation Slovakia and the Consulate General of Slovakia in New York organized a reception to commemorate the 17th Anniversary of the Velvet Revolution in former Czechoslovakia.


May 17, 2006 | Bohemian National Hall, NYC


The +421 Foundation Slovakia with a patronage of the Consulate General of Slovakia in New York introduced the young fashion designers from Slovakia in a fashion show compiled by the Slovak celebrity stylist Liana Weiss. The American fashion was represented by Marc Ecko Ltd.


The show was a premier project of the +421 Foundation Slovakia to benefit The Fund of the Slovak – American Cultural Interaction initiated by the Consulate General of Slovakia in New York. 

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